Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Staying sane amidst the Pandemic

       e have been working from home and doing almost everything from home for the past weeks and months now and if you are a mom like me who has a home to run or you live alone and have goals to achieve, you'll admit that things can get pretty overwhelming at times; from work Zoom Calls to School Google Meets to endless home deliveries of meals and house supplies, it's easy to lose focus. I for one used to be so meticulous at keeping everything organized and tidy at my home and while I have not totally ignored the importance of having an organized and clean home, I have started to shift focus and to only worry about things that are most important at the moment. So long as I keep, the dishes, floors and laundry clean, it is okay for now if the photo frame on the wall is a little dipped to the side. My goal in this post is to tell you how I manage to stay sane in my home amidst this pandemic.  I am wearing a tie-dye tee shirt dress similar here which is very comfy to lounge in at home with my square toed sandals and white denim jacket on hand incase I need to step out the door for a quick social distancing run to the store.

Dress        Jacket       Heels

Set Expectations and Goals:

 It is important to set goals and expectations in order to know what you need to achieve during this period and write down everything in the order of priority. At this time, I think our first priority is to keep ourselves, family, friends and neighbors safe. So, write down all you need to do to be safe and have a list of reputable health websites and phone numbers at hand if you need updated information about the pandemic. Also keep updated with your city and state Covid-19 guidelines and check in with your Clinic and doctor if you need to order your prescriptions or go in for your routine check. Order extra masks to use when you are out, order extra bottles of hand sanitizers and cleaning supplies and do the best you can to stay healthy and strong which is the number one priority for everyone at all times.

Set a realistic Budget: 

Set a budget for things/activities that require financial input. We are all obviously spending more money at this time in buying extra grocery and extra supplies for our homes. Make sure you are in control of your budget and know where you are spending more and adjust your budget according, You might have saved some money because you work from home and do not have to commute to work but you might be spending more money on food and grocery deliveries so plan accordingly.

Have a Daily Routine: 

Have a routine for everything for every member of your household. The kids have to have a schedule/routine for their school work and you have to have a routine as a parent for everything you do. This is not the time to do things spontaneously anymore; so plan, plan and plan some more. Go to the grocery store on designated days and at designated times and be aware of new store hours by grocery stores in your neighborhood. Most grocery stores in my state have designated time for seniors and the elderly to shop which is usually early in the morning. I would go right after that time when I know there would be less traffic at the store and would always wear my masks and have hand sanitizers with me. If you need to shop using grocery delivery services, do not forget to give a good tip to the drivers and delivery person because every little thing we do at this time to thank and appreciate our essential workers is highly welcome.

Take a deep breath and meditate: 

Create time for some relaxation, rest, exercise and meditation because it is very important for us to take care of our mental health. Have a spa day at home over the weekend or have a movie night with your family or significant other. Order some special healthy food and beverage and relax as a family. Most importantly, pray and read God's Word (the Bible) together and listen to Gospel or Worship songs and get up and dance if you want to. It is important to keep prayers and meditation going at this unprecedented time. Pray for family members, co-workers, friends and neighbors and have faith that this (Pandemic) would pass very soon. Thanks so much for reading.

Dress        White Denim          Dress  

                                                              Dress              Dress

                                             Denim Jacket           Dress             Dress

                                        Get social with me and click on the links below


                                                    Thanks so much for stopping by


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